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Unity equivalent documentation:

Unimplemented Methods


Known Differences Between Implemented Methods

  • TRS() and SetTRS() - When given a non-unit quaternion as input, the Unity implementations of these methods log an error, before some matrix is constructed. My implementation in this case does not log an error, but normalises the input quaternion before constructing a valid TRS matrix. In the standard case when the input quaternion has unit magnitude, the methods behave identically.
  • rotation - There is a special case for matrices which sometimes results in different output between this library and the Unity rotation property. When a matrix contains a net reflection in its scale vector, the axis of reflection is ambiguous. A reflection along any one axis is equivalent to a reflection along a different axis, combined with a rotation. If you change which axis you consider the reflection to have occurred along, then you can get the same transformation by changing the rotation. My rotation property always considers a net reflection to have occurred along the x-axis. The Unity rotation property appears to change which axis it considers the reflection along. The combined scale and rotation properties taken together as a transformation should still be consistent with the Unity implementation.
  • Equals() and == (Operator) - There is no Unity documentation on these operations, but they do exist for the built in Matrix4x4. I believe that the == operator uses the Mathf.Approximately() method in order to test for approximate equality, while the Equals() method tests for exact equality. This is the behaviour implemented in this library.